Инфографику с пятью шагами для изучения лексики, которые гарантированно помогут вам запоминать слова надолго.
C1/C2 List of Authentic Sources to Improve Your Language
Гид по самым интересным, полезным и актуальным аутентичным ресурсам. Вопрос о том, что посмотреть, послушать или почитать для интереса и языка, больше не возникнет.
How to go about idioms?
Памятку-гид, которая будет незаменима при изучении идиом. С ее помощью вы сможете провести собственное лингвистическое расследование и понять, как использовать идиому.
Сертификат участника
Распечатать для себя, показать коллегам и друзьям :).
Strategy Note: Speaking Practice
Пошаговая инструкция для самостоятельной тренировки говорения.
• родился в Лондоне и живет уже более 16 лет в России; • основал свою онлайн-школу, специализирующуюся на подготовке к экзаменам и преподаванию на высоких уровнях; • BA in German and Linguistics, MSc, PhD in Developmental Psychology; • cпециалист по образовательной психологии.
Полина Кордик
Основательница Polina Kordik School of English
•лингвист, полиглот, преподаватель, специалист в области билингвизма; •MA in European Languages, MA in Bilingualism, TKT, CELTA, IH-CAM, Delta (1,2 Merit) CPE (228); •подготовила более 300 кандидатов к успешной сдаче CAE, CPE, FCE и ЕГЭ.
Наташа Потапова
Преподавательница CPE в Polina Kordik School of English
•лингвист, преподаватель, специалист в области дискурса английского языка; •MA English Discourse, CPE (A), DELTA M1 (in progress); •автор программы Expert English: for C1 and C2 .
Отзывы о вебинаре
I've learnt a lot about idioms and collocations and how to work on them. The best part was the real examples you've provided us with. Thank you so much!
Mariia R.
It was a very animated and informative webinar and discussion. The information about idioms helped to structure and explain what I've been picking up intuitively from personal experience (listening/watching/reading).
It was interesting to see the examples of idioms being used and explained in different contexted. I guess it could have been more structurally logical to go from the context and the use and give the examples of the idioms within the categories rather than take an idiom and explain various contexts of its use. But in the limited time of the presentation, I think, Polina and Paul did an amazing job and gave quite a few usuful tips of how to approach idioms.
I found the vocabulary revision presentation to be very useful and informative. It was very well-structured and there were some very useful activities to use in the classroom. The great thing is that all these activities are easily adaptible to online or offline teaching, to individual tutoring or group-based classes.
Thank you all so very much!
The ideas,the material for analysis and discussion,the speakers with their fluent but very understandable English were of great importance and extremely useful for me in general and as an EL teacher in particular. I got real pleasure listening to the speakers.
Many thanks for this webinar. Looking forward to the next one))))
The webinar was really practical, with a lot of examples. I loved the way Paul and Natasha took turns talking about idioms and sharing their experience. I also found a lot of examples of the tasks for recycling and revision in Polina's part. Thank you!
Galina U.
That was a perfect mixture of a strict academic approach to idioms and phraseology presented by Natasha, a precious authentic commentary made by Paul and a great deal of extremely useful methodical support from Polina!
Thank you so much! Your webinar is a perfect way to start a weekend!
It's great that Polina shared some researches. Recepies for revision and retrieval were really useful. Got more ideas of using the flashcards. I enjoyed the format of discussion between Natasha and Paul when talking about idioms.
Thanks for these several inspiring hours with you!
It was very interesting for me to listen Paul and Natasha talking about idioms, it broads my knowledge of language. Memorizing technics by Polina are very important for me as learner and teacher. Some of my students find memorizing new words very difficult, hope your advice will help me to find some ways to work on solving these problems.
Liza B.
The speakers spoke to the point, explained what matters in the choice of idioms to teach and illustrated that perfectly. They also shared useful resources and demonstrated how to use them.
Polina, Paul and Natasha are positive and brilliant speakers, this is right what we need now.
It is tremendous pleasure to listen to Polina with all the structured recipes, graphs and scientific justification! Thank you very much for such a generous gift!!! Love you all!
Ekaterina P.
The webinar combined both theoretical and practical issues, it inspired me to sit at the table just right now and start preparing Recycling activities. Just WOW!
Thanks a lot for such a positive and extremely educational event these days!
Tatiana Y.
The most informative webinar I've ever been to, perfect pronunciation, professionalism of the speakers. thank you very much. It was a real pleasure!
Elena V.
I liked the content a lot because it gave a lot of thoughts of how use and teach idioms. How cautious we should be in using them and checking not only their meanings but grammar potentials as well!
Thank to Natasha, Paul and Polina explanations every single piece of information is understandable and ready to be applied just after the webinar.
Tatiana M.
It was very informative. I really enjoyed every single minute of this webinar because there were a lot of tips and practical information. Thanks you very much!
Eugenia S.
It's was very useful to learn how to deal with idioms, as I am always uncertain whether it's old-fashion or modern and about grammar modifications. I appreciate the resources shared and hands-on approach you demostrated.
Besides, it's such a pleasure to watch professionals at work. Many thanks to Paul, Natasha and Polina!!!
Olga U.
I've learnt a lot about idioms and collocations and how to work on them. The best part was the real examples you've provided us with. Thank you so much!
Mariia R.
It was a very animated and informative webinar and discussion. The information about idioms helped to structure and explain what I've been picking up intuitively from personal experience (listening/watching/reading).
It was interesting to see the examples of idioms being used and explained in different contexted. I guess it could have been more structurally logical to go from the context and the use and give the examples of the idioms within the categories rather than take an idiom and explain various contexts of its use. But in the limited time of the presentation, I think, Polina and Paul did an amazing job and gave quite a few usuful tips of how to approach idioms.
I found the vocabulary revision presentation to be very useful and informative. It was very well-structured and there were some very useful activities to use in the classroom. The great thing is that all these activities are easily adaptible to online or offline teaching, to individual tutoring or group-based classes.